Education right- Every citizen of India has the right to get primary education. In this regard, "Initial (elementary and middle level) education is free, elementary education must be compulsory and technical and vocational education should be made equally and higher education should be within reach of everyone" There are some basic principles that are guiding us.
Education should be used for the overall development of human personality, human rights and basic freedom. Parents and guardians have the prerogative of what kind of education they want to give to their children.
Why is EFA Important ?
To achieve MDG in 8th part, achieving the goals of all education is of utmost importance due to its direct impact on child and reproductive health, as well as due to EFA in the multi-partner collaboration for EFA 2015 goals. Has gained extensive experience. Simultaneously, achieving MDGs such as improving health, access to clean drinking water, poverty reduction, and environmental sustainability are important for achieving MDGs.
Although there has been a steady progress towards achieving many EFA goals, the challenges still remain. Today there are many children of age going to school who still do not go to school due to financial, social or physical challenges - including high fertility rates, HIV / AIDS, and conflict.
The facilitation of school education in developing countries has been better than 1990 - 47 out of 163 countries have achieved universal primary education (MDG2) and additional 20 countries will be on the "right track" to achieve this goal by 2015. But there are still huge challenges in 44 countries, out of which 23 are in sub-Saharan Africa, in these countries the possibility of universal primary education by 2015 O unless domestic and international efforts should not be accelerated.
Although gender gap in education (MDG 3) is decreasing, when the point of accessibility and completion of primary and secondary school is discussed, the benefits to the girl child are still limited. Despite the recent enrollment of girls at the primary and secondary levels - especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia - 24 countries are unlikely to achieve gender equality in either primary or secondary level by 2015. The majority of these countries (13) are in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Bad learning disabilities and low quality education also have overriding concerns in the field of education. For example, in many developing countries, less than 60 percent of primary school students, who enroll in the first grade, reach the final grade of school education. In addition, in many countries, the student / teacher ratio is more than 40: 1 and many primary teachers lack adequate qualifications.
Education for everyone
This campaign is a global commitment to providing quality basic education to children, youth and adults. In the year 1990, this campaign was started in the World Conference of Education for all.
Even after 24 years, many countries are following a lot in this direction. Representatives of various countries in Dakar city of Senegal again participated in the conference in 2007 and reiterated their commitment to achieving the goal of education for all by 2015. He identified six main education goals and said that by the year 2015, the education requirements of all children, youth and adults will be met.
As a leading agency, UNESCO has been moving and uniting all international initiatives towards achieving the goal of education for all . Governments, development agencies, civil institutions, non-governmental organizations and media are some such collaborators who are working towards achieving this goal.
Education for All target drive eight to achieve the target century development ( Millennium Development Goal , MDG ) , especially in the year 2015 on public primary education MDG 2 and MDG on gender equality in education -3 is reached help.
Rural people need to be motivated on the importance of education. The following information will provide solutions for people -
- Girl education
- Education and Coordination Courses for Children and Workers
- Education for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Minorities
- Physical and mental disabilities, education for disabled and special children
- Education and women
Six specific goals of education:
- In the beginning of childhood, expansion and improvement of overall care and education, especially for children deprived of the most sensitive and benefits.
- To ensure that by 2015 all children, especially in difficult circumstances, and caste minority girls can get full, free and good quality primary education.
- To make sure that all the youth and adults have the same access to the proper program of learning, learning and life skills.
- By 2015, 50% improvement in adult literacy, especially for women, and the availability of basic and continuous education for all adults.
- To achieve gender equality in education, by achieving the achievement of basic education of good quality by focusing on gender inequalities in primary and secondary education by 2015, and focusing on complete and equal availability of education to girls by 2015.
- Improve all facets of the quality of education and ensure the best of all, so that the valid and measurable results of learning can be achieved by all, especially literacy, numerology and essential life skills.
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