Girl education in India

Financial Standards under Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme

The Indian government has shown its commitment towards providing education to everyone. Despite this, India's female literacy rate is lowest in Asia in the continent. According to 2001 census ( source- India 2006, publication department, Government of India), only 53.67 percent of the women population of 49.46 crore of the country was literate. This means that about 22.91 crore women in India today are illiterate.
      The negative impact of this low level literacy is not only on the quality of women but also on the economic development of their family and country. Studies have shown that illiterate women generally have very high maternal mortality rates, low nutritional levels, low income earning capacity and very few autonomy in the family. Negative impact of illiteracy in women also falls on the health and livelihood of her children. For example, a recent survey shows that there is a deep relation between the infant death rate and the educational level of the mothers. In addition, the lack of educated population is obstructing the country's economic development.

Guidelines for implementation of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Yojana was launched by the Government of India in 2004 for the establishment of Residential High Primary School for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Class Girls in remote rural areas. The Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme started with the introduction of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, a national program for providing primary education at the primary level for the girl child and the female Samakhya scheme, as a separate scheme for the first two years, but on April 1, Since 2007, it has merged into Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan as a separate component.

Expansion and nature of plan

This scheme is being implemented in all the backward areas since 2004, where the rate of rural female literacy is below the national level (46.13 percent) and according to the census of 2001, the gender gap is more than the national average - 21.59. In these blocks, the establishment of the school will be done by keeping in mind some of the following things:
  • In such areas where the population of SC, ST, OBC and minorities is high and the rate of female literacy is very low and the number of girls out of school (i.e., not school) is quite high.
  • Areas where there is low female literacy rate
  • Areas where small and scattered habitations are not possible and the establishment of school there is not possible
  • Conducting the following facts from April 1, 2008, the terms of the eligible sections for Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya scheme have been amended -
  • In the 316 educated backward class of the country where literacy rate in rural women is very low, it has been included.
  • 94 cities or towns of the country where literacy rate of women belonging to the minority community is less than 53.67 (according to Ministry of Minorities Affairs), has been included in this scheme.


Government of India has introduced Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme for opening of 750 residential schools (including accommodation facility) at the elementary level for the girls belonging to SC / ST / OBC / minority communities living in far-flung areas of the country. . This new scheme, schemes being implemented under the Department of Elementary Education and Literacy, such as: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, will work in collaboration with the National Program for Girl Child Education at the Elemental Level and the Mahila Samakhya.

Workspace and cover

Kasturba Gandhi above the bottom of housing female school state educationally backward way to be introduced in blocks where census rural female literacy rate to the national average by 2001 and gender gap in literacy (gender gap) the national average (National Rural Women Literacy rate is 46.58% and National Gender gap is 21.70%). If there are multiple schools in that area then in that case the school will be selected which has enough land and the number of girl students is higher than the other schools.
  • The area where there is a large number of small scattered habitations that are not suitable for the school.
  • Due to the densely populated population of SC, OBC and minority communities, female literacy rate is low and / or the number of girls out of school is highest.
  • an objective
  • The main objectives of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya are as follows:
  • The main objective of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya is to provide quality elementary education through the residential school for girls of the Aboriginal class living in uneven conditions.
  • Catalyzing parents / guardians so that girls can be sent to Kasturba Gandhi residential girl school.
  • Mainly focusing on girls who are out of school (unnamed / sneezed) and whose age is above 10 years.
  • Particular attention to girls especially girls from one place to another.
  • Nomination of 75% Scheduled Castes / Tribes / Extremely Backward Classes and Girls of Minority Communities and 25% of Below Poverty Line families in Kasturba Gandhi residential girl school on priority basis.


Under the scheme, in the 10th Plan, the scheme will be opened between 500-750 residential school, recurring cost of Rs.19.05 lakhs per school and the estimated cost of 26.25 lakh rupees at an estimated cost of the scheme. Initially, after determining the location, the proposed school will be opened in rented buildings or available government buildings.
     Such residential schools will be opened only in those backward blocks where there is no residential school for elementary education of girls under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. This will ensure coordination with the District Level Officer Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, other department / ministry while preparing the actual district level scheme for the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya initiative. For the selection of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, the list of academic campus being run by the Tribal Ministry of Government of India will also be attached.

Major components of the plan

Establishment of Residential School in the place where at least 50 girls of SC / ST / OBC / minority communities are ready or available for reading at the primary level. Based on eligible girls, this number may be more than 50. Three possible models have been identified for this kind of school and it has been given in schedule 1 (a) to 1 (c). The revised financial model will be applicable for the new Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya approved since April 1, 2008. While the remaining sanctioned amount will be payable on April 1, 2008 for the amount released till March 2007 for 2180 working schools.
Providing / providing essential infrastructure to these schools.Teaching for School - Providing Material and Support.Providing appropriate academic support and arranging appropriate mechanism for evaluation and operation.Inspire and prepare parents and students to send the girl to residential school.
    At the primary level, there will be an emphasis on some older girls who are out of school and unable to complete their primary school (10 +). However, the girls of old age can be included in the remote areas (nomadic population and dormant housing where primary / upper primary school is not equipped).
     Emphasis at the upper primary level, especially on the adolescent girls who are not able to go to regular school.
According to the guidelines of the scheme, girls belonging to scheduled caste / tribe / backward class / minority communities will be given priority in enrollment in 75 percent of seats in such residential schools. After them, only the remaining 25 percent seats will be nominated for the girls who come from the poverty line family.
      As far as possible, established Self-Help Organizations and other non-profit bodies will be involved in running such a school. These residential schools can also be accepted by business houses. In this case a different direction has been issued.

Selection of Self Organizations

The hostel arrangement should be made for 50 girl students in Model 3 of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya. The hostel will be operated through women constituted in the female assembly districts whereas applications in the non-female society districts will be invited from the self-help organization and local body for the conduct of the hostel. In this situation, the following conditions have been prescribed for the selection of the above mentioned Self Help Groups:
The registration of voluntary institutions must be at least five years in advance.
  • Name of the voluntary organizations should not be in the Black List.
  • In the past, they have experience of working in elementary and informal schools / education and social sector.
  • Internal resources available to the voluntary organization
  • If the voluntary institution has received financial aid in advance from the Government of India / State Government, then the scheme / project has been successfully implemented.
  • The voluntary institution should have its own Bye-laws.
  • The audit report of the voluntary organization is mandatory by the chartered accountants for at least three years.
  • The volunteer institution will be given priority as well, who will be able to conduct Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya by taking the rental building or other arrangements.
  • Self-help organizations will be selected in the light of the above points. Initially, the district office will have to sign an MoU with them for the next one year to conduct Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya. After one year, the work of the selected Self-help organization will be reviewed and in the event of satisfactory achievement, the contract term will be expanded with the Self-help organization.

Implementation, Operation and Evaluation

This scheme will be implemented in the women's states, through the women society society through the State Government, whereas in other states Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan will be implemented through the society. The State Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan Society will be released as funded by the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan standard. At the State and District level, the committee will be constituted for the National Program for Girl Child Education at the elementary level in the Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan Samiti, by the Women Samkhari Resource Center and in the non-female society.
Training of teachers and other employees of residential school will be done in collaboration with District Education Training Institute, Block Resource Center and Women's Resource Group.

State aid group

At the initial level, the state level coordination committee approved under National Program of Girl Education (NPEGEL) will provide direction and assistance to the program. This group will also include the respective departments of the State Government and representatives of the Government of India, experts and academics related to the field of girl child education. Based on the recommendations of the National Program for Girl Child Education (NPEGEL) and the new proposed scheme at the elementary level being implemented by the District Committee, by this committee, the appropriate model and location of the school Will be done

National aid group

National Aid Group has been constituted under National Integrated Women's Contribution Program, which will give its feedback and suggestions on the conceptual issues arising in the program and the matter and advise the Government of India about policy matters regarding girl child education. This group will provide interfaces (interim) with research and training institutes, educationists and non-governmental organizations and will involve more people's experience in girl child education.

     The National Aid Group in which few people were involved and they get only two to three times a year, the formation of a mini-sub-committee of the National Aid Group: teachers' training for gender training (gender training), gender based teaching-proficiency material, Development of audio program etc. will be done for achieving specific objectives. For this, he will also be able to get the services of related personnel from the additional personnel or specialist in the area.

modus operandi

On the basis of the number of girls and the type of residential school provided, the selection of the school format will be done by the state level committee on the basis of the recommendations given by the district committee for this purpose. Where necessary, the proposal will be forwarded to a nationally constituted cell which will evaluate it with the help of external agency or consultant.

Financial Standards under Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme

For the Central Government, State and Union Territory, the rule of financial contribution for Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya will be similar to the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, as it is functioning as a component of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan from April 1, 2007.
    Financial Partnership between the Central and State Governments for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 85:15 during the Ninth Plan period; In the tenth plan, 75:25 and then it will be 50:50. The commitment to bear the cost will be taken in written form from the state governments.
     In the provision already prepared for the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the National Program for Girl Child Education (NPEGEL) at the Elementary Level , provision of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya scheme will be an additional provision. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan Society will ensure the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya scheme in coordination with the National Program of Girl Child Education (NPEGEL) and the women's program at the elementary level . It will also ensure that the funds released or given to them are properly invested and there is no duplication of both activities.
      Government of India, for this purpose, will directly fund the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan implementation committee. State Governments will also issue their share to the State Implementation Society. After that, where necessary, funds will be released to the Women's society. In those states where female members have not been implemented, this scheme will be implemented through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society's Gender Unit and the existing mechanism being utilized for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan will be utilized.

      The State Society should open a separate deposit account (Savings Account) in the bank to operate the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme fund. The State Government should also release funds in equal proportion to the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society from a different budget. Similarly, district and sub district structure will also have to maintain a different account and take care of it.
